piątek, 24 grudnia 2010

Christmas Eve and summary.

It's Christmas Eve. It has been around 4 months since our trip. I didn't finish this blog. In last week of our trip we gained another wonderful memories. UniCamp was the best experience for me personally. Not only I had chance to talk with Yumi for 2 hours about God, jump for joy in God's presence, see the place I want to be in my future ministry, but also I could feel like bird. Flying from one group to another, spending time with them even though most of the time I didn't understand any word at all. After UniCamp we stayed at Ayako's place. And we did placki ziemniaczane there!!!!!!!!! They still don't know that it was actually our first time to cook them^^ ....... But anyway they're delicious,nee?:D:P:P

We could experience typhoo. I had small adventure of walking through the streets without shoes^^ They're soaking wet^^ One old man worried about me and showed shoe shop, it was so sweet! He almost fell off his bike, just to help me! Japanese care is so touching. I had memorable meeting with Jongsub.

I'll never forget that, I was so happy to meet him again. We had more time for each other. Even though it was typhoo day.... We had awesome talk in Starbucks. Oh he's soo similar to me! We talked about our bithday dates, they're the same^^ About Polish and Korean history, about religion and many other stuff. He sung Mirotic with moves^^ and Sorry Sorry^^ it was soooooooooo sweet aaaa, when I recall it in my mind it gives refreshing and joyful feeling:)) His smile, he taking photos, aaa his handsome pics!!!!!!! Small talk in elevator and farewall....... His perfect height^^ Last hug:))) So memorable and awesome!!!! I'll never forget it and I really really want to see him again. Our meeting was God's planned miracle:)) In last week we also tried natto once again^^

We had adventurous Streetband^^ We meet with Yasutaka!!!!!!!

Oh it was a wonderful day!!! We went to the best museum I've ever been! Edo period museum, we played there as children^^ We're on Tokyo Tower^^

We ate very unique dish^^ We walked together around Shibuya and Harajuku, it was awesome to meet him again in Japan, have small Japanese lesson and just experience God's grace and faithfulness:)) Last time we met in Warsaw, second in Tokyo, GREAT nee??:D:))
We could share our thoughts and felllowship during EnglishClub (talking about New Generation, really interesting!).

We ate ramen last time with Aki.

We went to Chinese restaurant and had chance to share last words:)) Last Sunday was really touching, not only because of God speaking, but also by people's words. I miss them sooo much, it was an uncountable blessing to meet them all and learn so much from their hearts.

Also in last day I could were yukata, thanks to Sayako, Satomi n other friends:))

I was extremely happy!!! And Japanese guys liked me more:P:D:D:D This trip was absolutly a life-changing experience.
And today at Christmas Eve I can say that God opened totally new and different period in my life. After such miraculous experience He lead me to a new, hard way. It would be a long story, but today He showed me how much I've learnt since this trip. I've never grown so much in Him like I did through last 4 months. I'm getting more and more in love with Him and His word. I learn what does it mean to trust Him, to enjoy evryday life, to look for Him in every circumstances. I'm not in a time of my personal successes or in a time when everything goes perfect or the way I want it to be. I'm in a time when my love to God grows bigger and stronger, I'm in a time when He tries me and makes my character better. I'm here to learn how to depend on God wholly and totally, how to make Him number one in my life, for real and everyday. And He'll never give me more than I can take:)))
Mission trip to Japan in 2010 23thAug - 13thSept was not a spectacular fulfillment and proof of God's faithfulness. It was a beginning. Beginnig for me, beginning of loving Him with all my heart and giving Him my whole life. All for His glory:))))
Dear reader, be blessed!!!!!!!:)) Just love Him and look for Him everyday!!!!!!!:))) He's an AWESOME and GOOD GOD:))
PS sorry for mistakes in my English, hope my dear English-speaking friends will correct me:D yes Ben it's for you:P:D:)))

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