niedziela, 26 września 2010

"The first person you need to lead is yourself."

Big Wed!!! Leadership series started:)) Be leaders all the time in every relationships you have, Be the person who initiate. Don't follow the crowd! Have followers! Be example! Of God:) All the time:))
SUSHI TAIMU!!!!!!!!!!
Mmmmmm, fresh fish, so crispy, sushi daisukidayo!!!!!!!!!
We hesitated with Monika: should we take another plate.. We might not have enough money in the end etc...
But God is merciful! Kana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doumo arigatou!!!!!!!!! She paid for us:))
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))!!!!!!!

TUTORIAL: How to make okonomiyaki?

First steo:
You take Saki or any other wonderful Japanese friends to okonomiyaki restaurant.

She helps you order. Or you pretend you know kanji and this shrimpsomethingseafoodetc stuff and you order.
You wait and TAKE PHOTOS! There is no okonomiyaki without photos....
You receive bowl with shrimpsomethingseafoodetc stuff.............. (don't cry, you have Saki,remember) You make photos(it's very important as I said before). Then you look at Saki. <cute, teary eyes> Then she feels sorry for you... She explains and you (it's diffciult) MIX ingredients.

Fifth: (you are pretty far^^ you can congratulate yourself, but ONCE!):
You don't know how, but this black something in the middle of the table is warm. Then Saki tells you to put everything from your precious bowl on this black area. You have mixed feelings, but you're determinate, you leave it.

(ok it's also difficult,are you ready?) You left shrimpsomethingseafoodetc stuff on the black area, but there is one more thing you need to do now. Flatten it with gentle moves... Like stroking the cat (or dog if you are dog person)..
You wait. You can TAKE PHOTOS.

This one is easy. You just change sides of your okonomiyaki pancake. Using special shoulder - łopatka. Pancake is really heavy, you need to do it quickly, it fells apart very easily and you can't burn yourself, buuuut as I said, it's very easy. <irony>
(In the meantime Saki described for you all weird souces standing on the table) and now she says: YOU CAN EAT. Because your plate is not so huge, you can divide your okonomiyaki and eat first half of it.
Decorate your pancake. If you won't do this... It's worse than taking ONLY 100000 photos in one restaurant...(yeah I know horrible). So please decorate it with sauces and other somthingfishy stuff Saki showed you before.

Ok! Now you can finally eat.....
Oh! And don't forget! TAKE PHOTOS.

piątek, 24 września 2010


When we went back from Yukorin girls fell asleep, I did some "housewife" stuff(:D :P) and then we went to meet with Saki!!!!!!!!!!! She's almost our age, so our talk was different^^ Yeah ok I admit it... We talked about guys... But it was great!!!!!! First "girl talk" we had in Tokyo:D:P It waas really fuuuuunny... Espcially in the train.. "Hm so you like this one? Or no?" "What about his hairstyle?" "REALLY?" etc... We had greaaat fun^^
So we went to Asakusa!!!!!!!! From the very begining we liked it^^ streets were beautifully decoreted...this place had it's own atmosphere^^ we really liked it.
We were walking to Sensou-ji through alley of small shops with souveniers... 

Colorful.. Traditional stuff... Kirei... There were too many goods to decide what we want to buy^^ But we did some shopping^^ For family and friends... :)) Small katana... Mini doll...
Then shashin shashin shashin, Sensou-ji...
Smoke, tourists, heat. There was even a women shooting movie^^ Maybe she was a tv guider or something.. Anyway, we liked it^^ It's huuuge! You can't see it in pictures, but it is^^ 
Time for INTERESTING FACTS: ^^ It was so hoot that my camera became overheated^^ aaaand so I needed to blow on it^^ THE END. :P:D
To be honest we all wanted to eat something:P our idea was - okonomiyaki. We hadn't try it yet, Aki and Rie said they're delicious, we were hungry, so we went to look for okonmiyaki restaurant. Meanwhile we pop into convenient store and some guys talked with us^^ Ok so we found cosy restaurant with peaceful atmosphere (thanks to info point:D).

It was like home! We sat, ordered, tanoshikatta!!! Photos, movies^^
Saki tips^^ cooking^^ eating^^ mmm delicious!!!!!!! I love okonomiyaki!!!!!!! They're little similar to Polish naleśniki^^ but with shrimps etc^^ Oishii!!!!!!!! We had wonderful time with Saki:)) Thank you!!!!!!!! It was like hanging out with our Polish friends(the same age and problems:P hehe:D)
But loooong day ddn't end........... ^^

środa, 22 września 2010

Amusement Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh it was my very first time!!!!!!!!! So I was extremely excited!!!!!!!! This time everything was fine with me^^ Hehe... Demo, but first of all, we hajimete to ride in Japanese car!!!!!!!! Yuko thank your mum!!!! It was scary, when cars kept coming from right side... :P:D

So Yuko welcomed us in her house and we had the best lunch ever!!!! I mean this homemade food tasted...I can't describe it... It was more then oishii oishii oishii!!!! It was umai, sugoi, subarashii ever!!!!!!!! Lasagne... And rice... And ginger tea.. And grapes! Thank you!!! :)) For the first time we were also welcomed in a trafitional Japanese house..
So then we went to Amusement Park!

PS we tried with Iza the red one (in the background) :D:D:D
Scary room (which wasn't so scary:P but it's a good place to go with your future husband:P then you can freely hold his hand etc...:P)
Rollercoaster!!!!!! SOOO EXCITING!!!!!!!!! Light one, then hard one. Iza kept screaming, Monika was closing her eyes (from time to time) and I just had eyes opened wide (and mouth too.)

My dad said I like adrenaline... Maaaaaaybe........ :P
Super hyuuuuu!!!!!!! 
Wow, it was something^^ There were two queries.. To red and to yellow one. Less people waited for red one.. So our thoughts were: is it that scary or it's not enough exciting? Anyway we chose red one! Sat, took off our shoes and waited...

I had small talk with children from querry^^ Like: Pourando kara kimashita. Nihon daisuki. Subarashii. Tomodachi^^ Great nee? Hehe that was all^^ I said all I know^^ Ok and then....
We went high high, to the toooop!!!!!! (View was kirei!) And suddenly DOOOOOOOOWN!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! First and last time I was screaming^^ And that time Iza kept silent:P Haha it was sugoi!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll never forget it^^ But once you try it you want more and more^^ Dangerous^^ When we landed my legs were shaking^^ Outstanding experience^^
But the best was yet to come! Iza bungee jump!!!! She did it!!!!!! Even though she didn't understand at all what instructor was telling to her^^ Haha! But she heard something like "dead men" in Polish (trup) and so did she^^ Jumped like dead men^^ Kuczyńska will give me movie of it^^ I'll upload it then^^
First time we went to Japanese open swimming pool^^ Tatoos not allowed (luckily we didn't have any^^).. So we went being the only foreigners... Ya people kept looking at us^^ But we kinda got used to it^^ So we were enjoying water.. It was cold!!! Refreshing! Finally we could rest from heat!!!! And we had funny accident with Japanese boys^^ They tried to pick us up^^ By saying all English sentences they know: Hello, where are you from, your are sexy and beautiful. Haha after hearing it, we (Iza and me) just said: tomodachi ikimasho! And run away:P Funny:D but they chased after us! Yuko kept laughing at us^^ Haha... But sea waves were subarashii^^
So we tried rollercoaster last time and went on foot home... We ate again tremendously delicious food, watched tv and went to bed:)) Sleeping in Yukorin's house:)) THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Amazing amazing amazing:)))
Then breakfast veeery early (od course chou oishii and beautifully prepared) and back to Harajuku:))

wtorek, 21 września 2010

Second streetband and a bit of mixed feelings^^

We were given leaflets.. Found Japanese speaking partnet.. Started singing, clapping and dancing. I was waiting for Jongsub. He was working most of his time, so it turned out that the only chance for him to visit church was to go on streetband. My purpose was to introduce him to my friends from JLH. So I invited him on streetband and he came! I was so grateful to God! I was so happy he will meet those amazing people, I hoped he will like them too (as I love them). I wanted also him to experience something really good during his stay in Tokyo. I wished he will have some unusual, good memories with people from JLH. So he came, we talked a bit, but I knew I'm here to invite people, so I left him with boys. But I didn't think that time about other people(from church) reactions. My idea of inviting him on streetband was spontanious and I didn't think about various consequences. So some were worried about me(that I talk with a guy, that maybe he wants something from me etc.).. I felt really embarassed, I didn't want them to feel that way. But I also founded that I felt offended for a while. I was thinkig too much about myself, I was too concerned about me. I wanted to do something good, there were some complications, but in my heart I should have stayed peaceful. But I didn't (for a while) and when I realised it, I knew I need to talk more specifically about it with God. So firstly (as Lewis said: run to God when you have any problems:P ) I prayed at streetband and then enjoyed it to the end. I had also small talk with Jongsub and he was pretty excited, he said those people are so friendly, they have true joy, so I was happy he liked it. But most importantly in the evening while I was spending time alone with God I asked Him about this incident. And He showed me my selfishness and past things which affected my reaction. People hurted me much in the past, so I had this bad reaction in me: trying to defend myself, thinking they judged me unfairly. It wasn't right.. They acted with love and care. So thanks to this situation God helped me to see again things from the past and He fixed my heart again! It was one of the big steps to change, he was modifing, shaping (I don't know how express it in English) my character. That day I realised that God speaks to me EVERYDAY through EVERY situation I face. From this day slowly by slowly I started to have this disciple's attitude. Looking for opportunity to learn something new about me about God and being ready to change. Now each day of my life is even more precious for me, I care for my days, I want them to be filled with God who teaches me how to change, how to live, how to see more. So Kirby, Miwa thank you for talk we had that time:))
And remember God is using every situation in your life for your good!!!!!!!!! (I took this sentence from Lewis message:P)
And that day Iza had her small adventure^^ With a band playing next to us^^

niedziela, 19 września 2010

Shinjuku. RIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kinda day off. Girls stayed at home.. They were watching dramas! And movies! I love them. :* But for me it was a special day.. Finally I could meet with my lovely friend Rie!!!! We met only once, in Warsaw, by coincidence or by miracle! We exchanged emails and since then we were mailing and sending gifts to each other. No it's not correct... Rie sent me gifts! And I just tried to recompensate a bit:)) Rie, thank you! You have real Japanese talent to make good presents:)

So! This day I went all alone on foot (two stations from Harajuku^^) to Shinjuku and I wasn't lost and I reached the place we're supposed to meet!!!! Oh this time I really felt like I'm a genius.. Even though I still needed to ask a bit about Alta building^^

And so we met, she gave me yukata(doumo arigatou!!!!!!!!!!!) and we went to Ootoya. I first time tried natto!!! And it tasted for me like coffee beans... Ya I'm weird.. Anyway I had great fun with it! Then Rie took me to some stores (Don Kichote, Tokyu Hands, Bookstore), she was explaining me everything.. Oh and we did purikura meanwhile!!!! I spent woooooonderful day with her:))
And I tried takoyaki!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oishiii!!!!!!!!!!!

She was so nice and kind and open and helpful for me and... She gave me more motivation to visit again Japan and stay there forever:)) Thank you Rie!!!!!!!!

And I need to tell - I'm proud I have Japanese friends^^ I'm proud I have Rie:))
She spent with me her almost last day in Japan before going to Boston for one year. I was honoured. Rie arigatou!!!
Kamisama doumo arigatou!!!!!!!!!!!

piątek, 17 września 2010

First Sunday!

We needed to wake up early.. We dressed up.. Sleepy attended first service.. We took our sits and waited.. I made one picture, but then immediately I was told that photos are not allowed. Yeah, ok I understand^^ First service started.. Then we went eat udon and walk around Asakusa. Ken arranged it in a minute^^ He doesn't look like organised person... But^^ He has a great heart:P:D Yeah so we were walking around, found TBS televison, went on a special event...
And came back to church... First lifegroup! Lifegroup is like a bunch of friends, close friends. So we felt kindness and openess, but still we were a bit out of this group. But to observe - it was great experience:)) and to learn more:))
Lifegroups are for me absolutly amazing idea. They help church to grow, they are extremely important. They play one of the main roles in church. People need each other to grow. It's and wonderful thing, to have lifegroup, to be forced to share your experiences with God. You learn together and rely on each other. You pray together, you grow:))
Third service was funny!! We couldn't resist closing our eyes!! We thought we will fall asleep!! It was funny^^ But last service..... Lewis preaching... Men I love when He preaches^^ it's so lively and funny and simple and it really touches your heart! He is soo honest and straight-forward . I love it! I love his heart for God! I feel the same with Him^^ Bless you Lewis:))
JLH is amazing... They grow, they develope.. People give their lives to God each and every week.. They always preach the gospel, there is no way that person come on service and doesn't hear good news. Their messages are simple and honest. Touching, encouraging you to move on! To serve, work for Jesus! Oh I learned sooo much...
Oh and this day we went on Desiree's farewal party!!! During our way to restaurant, we had some fun:P I found fountain and run to it, because it was still hot. I poured some water on me, but then Ken came and he he just splashed me!!!!!! My dress was wet!!! And my hair!!!!!! But it was funny:P I can forgive him...:P:D
Hehe and Shinsuke... I mean.. He's soo funny and chilloud out! Wow I love him^^ haha he's my favourite Japanese^^ So we went to special restaurant, where you can eat veeeeeeeery expensive hamburger.. I decided not to spend so much money on american food "guys, I'm in Japan, right? what's the point in eating hamburgers there?hehe"^^ And I wasn't hungry:P But girls ordered hamburgers^^ Hm I was veery tired that time.. So I just kept listening and smiling^^ Ken made me eat one chip (chips I mean)^^ Then he shared "Torcik wedlowski". Haha it was funny to observe all friends from JLH eating Polish sweets, quaiet, concentrate, haha^^ We were glad they liked it^^ Btw it was a gift from our Polish friend, missionary, Magda:)) (she's also our youth leader^^) So we had great time. Especially when Shinsuke was wandering around and stoling food from people's plates..Yep I love him. And when he just laid down and decided to take a nap while we're paying the bills^^ (actually girls where paying:P I just drank water:D which is free in subarashii no nihon^^) Yeah, it was a wonderful day:))

Karaoke! Games! Purikura!

And so we went^^
Trying to find songs we know.. Don't laugh.. It wasn't easy... I mean we like SPECIAL kind of music... Not just popular pop stuff... Yeah ok, we didn't know that much.. But it was fun!!
And boys were sooo funny!!!! And girls sang so beautifully!!! We danced, ordered mango juice, ice cocoa etc.. Sang "I believe I can fly" "Hakuna matata" "Lady marmelade" and (watch out!) "Bolero":D:D It was great.... Last song.. "Beat it".... I was laughing all the time, wonderful funny moments!!! Karaoke daisuki!!!
Hm after few few days, it turned out that Ayako and DJ used us... And became couple... But this kind of using other people - I honestly like the most!:D:D
Hm and to be honest.. We felt something was weird.. We were wondering... What's up? Is this something about us? Or what? Now we know^^ Love in the air:P:P:P
Geimu taimu!
Iza was screaming so crazily! But she did kill zombie! Congrats:P
Monika seems quite serious.. Michael (surprisingly) too..
Playing games is a serious thing.. Oh ok I'm kidding^^ I don't like games^^ But this time I tried once playing streetfighter^^ and it was even funny^^ Oh and Iza got twice teddy something^^ First time was her first try^^ Genius^^ 
Then we did purikura.. We named our toys.. (Btw DJ thank you!:)) my sister really loves Lisa.. or Gerard or the name we gave it that time:P) And went to Remix!!!!
Shinsuke preaching.. New start, New you. It was a message for me.. I love it. Powerful and simple! God is faithful.. The best time to rest and experince real joy and happiness was to be in church. To sing, dance and worship. To be in the presence of the Lord. The best occasion to rest and experience the goodness of being in Japan. Church, God's presence and His world - the most precious experiences from our trip!
The day before I complained to God about my face (don't laugh:P). Because of the heat my skin got serious problems. I didn't like looking at me in the mirror, so I complained a bit. Just you know sharing about everything with God. And this day I met Korean guy^^ and in the evening Eugene came to eat with us^^ sooo I wasn't worring about my face^^ God answeared.. Even for such small matter:))
Eugene.. Hehe^^ He just got lost... And decided to eat with us (after service)^^ I love him! Being not organised, going with the flow^^, honest and sweet^^ Yeah I'm really happy I met him^^
Chinese food was oishii!!!!
Especially when you have such wonderful people around you:))
Slowly slowly God was changing my way of thinking, He started showing me what's wrong in my character.. And He gave this new, interesting acquaintance.... 

PS I didn't know how to write acquaintance^^ Haha. Polish word sounds better^^ znajomość^^ I just met new guy and didn't know why God made this happen^^

Just a meeting on the street.

Sooo while I was waiting with girls for Ayako&company... At Hachikou..
One guy started talking to me... He sat next to me moment ago. And because I was sleepy, laying my head on something behind me I didn't looked at him. Also because yesterday slightly drunk men tried to talk to me, I wasn't interested in this guy. But when he said: I'm from South Korea. I immidiately straighten up and for the first time looked at him^^ I founded out he is even handsome^^ So we exchangd our contacts, I gave him card from church (keeping in mind that I should make connections and invite people to church) and we left to karaoke. Meeting... Nothing special... Most crowded crossing in this world.. Things happen... God.. And..... Hiiis....... PLANS............


We needed to get there on our own. It was a small adventure. We almost got lost. When we arrived we were looking for right building.. Desperate we sat on the ground... Then we decided to read kanji^^ And we did it! Like: hm this character looks like home.. oh this one here too! oh and this has two short lines! here we have the same one! oh they are very similar! Ya this is it! Yeah!!!! And that's how we found service in Yokohama... It was funny.. But we were late...^^ ...and warmly welcome^^ JLH kind as always!!!! :))

3 Polish girls. Buahaha

After Korean town day was not over!!!
Soooo girls bought ice creams...

I was doing pictures....
 Some serious...
( it's called "zajawka" in Polish^^ it's when you are temporary veeery interested in doing one partciular thing, ya basically)
And finally at home... I was drying my armpits I guess..
Aaaand "gronofocia" elevator cuties! Kawaii!!!!
Now I can say I miss them, I miss the time we had together. I have learned so much by living together. I have tried my character and I found how much I lack. I could test my patience. But most of all I was learning not to think about myself. I was learning how to forget about myself and think what I can do for others. It was difficult. Sorry Monika! Sorry Iza! But God used you in my life. And I've changed a lot thanks to you:)) Thank you!!! And I love you now much much more:)) Girls fighting!!!! 
To może zrobię jakąś kupę... :D:*
Tak wiem, to już mniej kozacko!
Ta plama na mojej koszulce jest jak stąd do Japonii! O jesteśmy w Japonii..
Btw ciekawe jak wyglądał Adam...

The mooost relaxing time ever.

It was like in a different world.. With Satomi.. And Miho...
But first:
Ya I mean we love trains
:)) :P:D
Massage sensei!!!!!
Manga kissa!
Look below manga PINO TAIMU!!!
BUTA!!(yes? am I right? Monika!!!)
When we were flying back to Poland, we watched movie based on this manga!!!! :
Anyway I think this manga will be useful for me... Someday.. In the future... Near future... But I will need korean version... 
Oh speaking about korean.
After long night fruitful in deep and long talks:
After oishii breakfest:
I still remember the taste of those pancakes!!! And I love this meiji yoghurt... With fruits!!!
We went to Korean town.. Shin oukubo!
And yes of course fan shop... I mean Korean singers.. They... Mmm, ya^^
Aaaaand chilling in Korean restaurant
Can you see Toppogi?
Thank you Iza for your patience. I could learn it from her.. Thank you Satomi for taking us there. It was also a day when we went to second hand shop. I bought first dress!!! First shopping.. Iza got shirt.. Monika cap.. It was too hot for us to sleep well... We talked that night a loooot. W got to know each other better.. It was great and I mean really fruitful. God was working. Being in Satomi's and Miho's place for me was kind of a journey to other, peaceful world. And I really felt Satomi's and Miho's love, their kind and greaaaat hearts. I was thankful to God for this first experiences with Japanese believers. From that time I felt much much more closer to Satomi. She is my close friend, I feel it. And I will never forget her caring sight. I love you!!! I love you all.. :))

Streetband - dance, sing, meet new people and all for the Lord. :)!!!

Akihabara!!!!! Short talk with Desiree on the train. Make connections, not all are christians, invite them, make friendships, this is how we work in our church etc. Being a bit stressed, first real chance to serve, to work, to do mission stuff.. Chilled out and prepared with faith.. We prayed, God is with us
Meeitng!!! Talking, talking, asking, decribing our first feelings about Japan!!! Being friends, spending great day:)))
Me and Parisa! 
Maidou cafe!(I remind you that taking pictures in maid cafe is forbiden) :P:P:P:P
It was soo funny! Eight girls coming in... Boys were like "WHAT..!What girls are doing here? Oh no..Oh no.." Hehe^^ Talking, ordering, kokoa, ais kofi etc. Improving nihongo, laughing, great time!!!!! One scary moment - girl kneeling and pouring mirku to our drinks.. But all was fine:) Picture and we go do purikura!!!
YEAH!!! LET'S DO PURIKURA!!! Iza seems quite excited....
Btw this guy was sitting in our maid cafe:
Ya I like him too. :P:P:P:P
Oh but before we do purikura: toire taimu,nee?
Ya I was trying to catch the air from hand dryer...
Ok purikura taimu and Iza dressed up as eee yyy ee yy hmmm student?
RAAAAMEEEEN!!!!!!!!!! Aaaaaa oishiii desu neeee!!!!!!!!!Mmmm.... Tonkotsu... Wanna once again...

And mild...

Ok, streetband time. Excited, praised by Desiree, we did well, ready for new.. It's easier when you're new, foreign, you can make mistakes. You can excuse yourself. But we were happy and ready to do more for God!!! Too much pleasure at once...
Streetband.. I love it.. I love to sing - I can. I love to dance- I can. But most of all I can meet NEW JAPANESE PEOPLE!!!!! And all for God's glory!!! All to bring them to church!!! Amazing, I love this way the most.. :)) I just need to learn nihongo (turlejska! fighting!)
Ok after this looong day we go to Satomi's place...